Meet Jeremy Lis
Born and raised in Sheboygan County, Wisconsin.
As a boy, I learned to play Sheepshead by looking over my dad's shoulder while he played with my aunts and uncles, grandma, and older cousins at family gatherings. I slowly graduated from watcher to player during someone's bathroom break, to full-time player. A little under a decade of Sheepshead at family gathering gave me a love of the game and only limited emotional scarring from all the yelling.
In early adulthood, there were many late, late nights with friends; on some occasions the last hand was played just before I left for work in the morning. From conversations with people on this website, many of your memories of learning Sheepshead are the same as mine.

get61 Sheepshead has been a great adventure for me. I've made a lot of friends while working on the site. It is amazing how many great Sheepshead players are out there.
I work full-time as a data scientist and work on this as a fun side project. I have aspirations to add an artificial intelligence player and add other features that incorporate some of the skills I use in my full-time work.