While playing on get61, occasionally you may find something about the site doesn't seem to work correctly. The suggested remedy anytime this happens is to refresh your webpage. For example, depending on your internet connection, you may find that the lead card isn't showing for a particular trick. If you refresh your web page, you should be able to see all the cards that have been played on the current trick. These kinds of glitches should be very rare. We will be working to eliminate these kinds of incidents.

You will have all the same features available to you when you play on your mobile device as when you play on a laptop or desktop. On the mobile device, you will need to scroll down to see the last trick played and message box.

In the Leaderboard tab, a daily and lifetime leaderboard exists to promote friendly competition. A daily winner will be crowned each day at 11 pm CST. Upon clicking the name of a player on the leaderboard, statistics will appear summarizing the results of the hands they have played.

Each player has 15 seconds to make a selection when it is their turn. After 15 seconds, the player can be booted from the table by the host. If it is the host that is holding up the game, the player that has been at the table second longest can boot the host. This feature is there to prevent a player from stalling the game until someone else forfeits the hand. If a player announces that they will be away briefly and exceeds the 15 second time limit, the sane thing to do is allow the player extra time to resume play.

At all times, the host will have a button available that says Admin. When this is clicked, the host can change the rules at the table, make the table private, invite players to the table, and boot a player at the table. If a hand is in progress, the rule change will take effect on the next hand, and the other players at the table will be alerted of the rule change. Similarly, booting a player within the Admin tools will remove the booted player prior to the start of the next hand.

At present, there is no option to play a leaster. This feature may be added later. Your feedback on this would be appreciated. Send a message through the Contact Us page.